Receive alerts when climate is outside treshold values

Tactile Pattern for AnnunciationTactile Pattern for Annunciation for MobileAnnunciation by Leonardo da Vinci
The Annunciation / Leonardo da Vinci / Uffizi Gallery
You can easily define different alert rules for various buildings, rooms, and sensors, depending on what works best for your museum. Soon, there will also be the option to receive alerts if the climate changes rapidly, even within the treshold values. You decide the recipients of the alerts among your 10 included users and how they should be notified, whether via email, SMS, or just within Custodian.
Illustration of character getting alert

Export climate reports

Your can share the climate data with others in several ways. You can choose whether to generate reports in PDF, or Excel formats. An alternative to downloading the reports and emailing them is to create limited read-only access for external users. In that way, you can provide insights into climate data from selected sensors during specific time periods. This can be extremely time-saving and reassuring, especially when loaning objects or collections between museums.
Tactile Pattern for Bookworm SpitzwegTactile Pattern for Bookworm Spitzweg for MobileBookworm by Carl Spitzweg
The Bookworm / Carl Spitzweg / Museum Georg Schäfer

Look back at your climate data

Tactile Pattern for Bookworm SchleicherTactile Pattern for Bookworm Schleicher for MobileBookworm by Carl Schleicher
The Bookworm / Carl Schleicher / Neue Pinakothek
We safely store your climate data in our cloud solution so that it is always available to you and your coworkers.
Illustration of a book

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